Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Deven The Thrashmaster interview


After interviewing Deven, a student in my English 121 class, I learned that there are several different types of writing. For deven, he is particularly fond of persuasive style. He finds that attempting to persuade someone through writing is challenging when successful. Opinionated writing also interests deven due to being able to express himself through his very own opinion.

Deven owns his own computer. Can't really get much done without one while being in an English Class. He learned all about the library during his last semester at FRCC. He finds the library very useful and I myself need to use it more.

Like myself, deven is shooting to achieve an A in this class. he is excited about learning more and unleashing his creative spirit on paper. Planning to work closely with his organization and structure of his paragraphs, he is clearly aiming for perfection. Which is exactly how you succeed.

Dustin Ihrig- Thrash D Thrasher Blog

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