Monday, February 27, 2017

Chapter 14 reading response.
      An argumentative essay, is a process of reasoning. Your goal is too assert the soundness of a debatable position, and sway people to agree with your perspective and support your point with evidence. you must need to understand the difference between persuasion and argumentation, analyzing your evidence, and gather and document evidence.
      The kinds of evidence you use in your argumentative essay are very important as well in validating your point. These forms of evidence are facts, opinions which are accompanied by facts, and expert opinions. Facts are true, agreeable statements that can be verified. Opinions are judgments or beliefs that are not substantiated by proof. An expert opinion is used to back-up your opinion, it is best to make sure your expert opinion is a relative source of information from a credible person who professionalizes in in that subject.
        The criteria you use for your evidence is just as important as the kinds of evidence you use. The evidence should be relevant to your argument, it should also be representative of your point, and your evidence should be sufficient enough to your point. Always remember to properly document the evidence by siting MLA.


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